When I was taking a walk in a pretty meadow, I suddenly got attacked by some Bees of unusually large. After a scary and breathless chase, we finally sat together and they agreed to answer my questions.
Valhanya: Hello Bees, I hope you are doing well ! Can you introduce yourselves briefly ?
Fotten: Hi I’m Horseface.
Aarpia: That’s none of your damn business and I’ll thank you to stay out of my affairs.
Lyonide: Hello fellow best girl main! For those that don’t know what that means, I play Xianghua, the only character whose strength is measured in how much she can irritate the enemy. My name is Dan, and I like the sound it makes when my opponent gets lethal hit (even better if it’s an AGI).
Kellerak: Hi, I’m fine thank you and I hope you are too. My name is Pierre and I’m a Nightmare player from France. I didn’t play this game much until last year when I got absolutely beaten up by Taokaka_Meow in ranked, and decided to follow her to learn how to get better since she also has YOUTUBE TUTORIALS. I basically got beaten up for an entire year before I started winning sets or games. Covid and friends I made along the way made me study the sword even more in depth.
Valhanya: Bee Gasses (hum…) is a newly team led by Fotten who became a Captain this season and the team identity is very unique. How did you come up with this idea and how do the others members fit it ?
Fotten: Well we like bees and gasses, so it’s only natural that we called ourselves the Bee Gasses.
Aarpia: Fotten came to me with some boring normie name and I thought it would be funny to make French people sound like they were saying Big Asses. Apparently, El Capitan agreed.
Lyonide: No comment regarding the origin, I do like bees though, they have big thoraxes.
Kellerak: It was kind of hard to fit in since there are 4 slots for each team but the size of our butt cheeks would take like 8-9 so we have to deal with it for the moment, but they are alright. I love my team.
Fotten, Aarpia and Lyonide’s favorite higlight
Valhanya: Everyone here except Kellerak has already participated to the ETL. What are you reasons behind it ?
Fotten: Is fun ya.
Aarpia: It’s a way for me to play the game competitively without wanting to gouge out my eyeballs every time the game breaks (which is about 3 times a round in my experience). Also having a team with a bunch of friends is nice.
Lyonide: I like punishing myself, also it’s a good opportunity to play against people you normally wouldn’t, and if you’re with a team whom you don’t know very well, even better, make new friends (or enemies).
Kellerak: I was literally incapable of playing the game correctly last year. Nobody would want a burden like this in their team. I played a replacement match for Tao when she couldn’t make it, and I lost it 1-5. Now I feel a lot more confident, I get better by the day and I’m doing my best to not disappoint my team. Also 2 of the captains are my friends so I HAD to join this time.
Valhanya: How do you pick and prepare your matches every week ?
Fotten: We mostly discuss player matchups and decide based on that, preparation is mostly done individually unless one of us has any particular matchup knowledge.
Aarpia: Fotten sends us an essay regarding who he thinks should fight who. I don’t read it and then tell him everybody on the opposing team is free and he can pick for me. So far he hasn’t put me against another Ace which is working out well for us.
Lyonide: I get sent out as a sacrificial lamb, occasionally I do do my thing and beat someone I have no right beating. This league has a big element of putting up hard counters against opponents when possible, be it player or character.
Kellerak: We send Lyonide to die lol (we don’t but I find the idea funny).
Valhanya: This third season seems pretty tough. Teams are well balanced, and every matches are mega chaud. What do you expect to achieve as a team, but also as a player ?
Fotten: I expect greatness from my team.
Aarpia: I expect we will win the entire event with no difficulty whatsoever. Allstars had to cheat and sub in d3xus just to stand a chance. I also expect many people to ask how I made such a great thong on zASSalamel.
Lyonide: Personally I hope to one day learn how to lab a matchup, as a team though, I believe we can hit never before seen levels of salt, and hopefully dump said salt on our opponents like the slugs they are.
Kellerak: So far our team is doing incredibly well. I’m very proud, we are tied second the moment I write this. I think we can realistically stay up there if we give our best. My teammates are incredible, there will be no free wins, LETS GO BEE GASSES BZZZ BZZZ. As a player, my goal is to get a lot better by the end of the ETL.
Kellerak’s favorite highlight
Valhanya: Is there a team the bees are afraid of ?
Fotten: Nah bzz bzz.
Aarpia: The only way I could be scared of any other teams is if I first spent the time to read the rosters, and that’s not going to happen.
Lyonide: Fear is the path to the dark side.
Kellerak: (you just want to flex DARK LOVE Val). DARK LOVE is going to be a tough one… but we will come prepared, we will see.
Valhanya: Thank you bees for this interview ! Any last thoughts you’d like to share with our readers and your fans ?
Fotten: …
Aarpia: Yes, but I won’t because this is a free country and you can’t make me.
Lyonide: Thanks go out to everyone organising, let’s hope involved has an enjoyable time!
Kellerak: Thank you Val, also…
Kellerak sending loves to MPhantasm
If you want to watch some sets from all around the world and some ETL replay, please check Fotten’s channel: Horseface’s Zoetrope