Saturdaynasuka is one of the rising stars from the Japanese scene, eliminating top players like Tamonegi and putting himself on the map with an impressive EVO JP 9th placement. Let’s get to know more about Japan’s best Talim player who wants to travel abroad to seek the thrill of Talim mirrors.

Nickname: 永依 / Saturdaynasuka
Twitter: @saturdaynasuka
Birth Year: October 3, 1992
Country: Japan

If you had to introduce yourself in three sentences to some SoulCalibur player who didn’t know you, what would you say?

I am the Talim player Saturdaynasuka. The name is a little long so they call me Doyoubi (Japanese word for Saturday). Thank you for having me.

What is the origin or meaning of your nickname?

I combined Saturday night with some of the names of my favorite creators to create the tag Saturdaynasuka.
Saturday night + 好きなクリエイターさん達の頭文字を取った造語です。

How did it happen that you ended up playing fighting games?

When I was small, the first fighting game I played was Soulcalibur II because Link was a guest character. However, I did not play with anyone in that game. Being a competitive player for me started with Blazblue Continuum Shift II. One of my favorite voice actors voiced a character in the game, and I had a lot of fun playing the game online.
小さい頃、リンクが出るゲームとして買ってもらったSCⅡが初めての格闘ゲームでしたが、人と対戦はしていませんでした。 対戦を始めたきっかけは、BBCSⅡというゲームで好きな声優さんが担当するキャラクターが実装され、 そのゲームが気軽にオンライン対戦を楽しめるゲームだったからです。

Who do you main in SC6 and why?

I main Talim! Since SCII, I have always liked the character. She is super cute!

What is your opinion regarding SC6?

The graphics are beautiful. The story and the costumes are well-done. I would really like Season 3 to add more creation parts!
グラフィックがとても綺麗で、ストーリーや台詞、衣装などもとても作り込まれていて大好きです。 シーズン3かクリエーションパーツの追加が欲しいですね!

If you could change one single thing about SC6 what would that be?

I would want network related problems to be fixed.

What do you consider to be your greatest SC6 achievement and why?

EVO Japan 2020 9th place. It was nice to finally meet people I only played online as well as play people from other countries.
EVOJ 2020 9位タイ インターネットだけで交流があった人たちと実際に会って挨拶が出来たし、様々な国の人と対戦も出来たのがとても貴重な体験だったので

Please answer a single question that you were not asked but you would like to answer!

Talim’s birthday is on June 15!

Thank you for the interview!