SHK is known as the face of the #BuffZas movement in Asia, representing the character throughout many prestigious events. What does he think of the character now? You may be surprised when you read the interview!

Twitter: @SHYKEN
Youtube: shyken
Birth Year: 1985.05.22
Country: Japan

If you had to introduce yourself in three sentences to some SoulCalibur player who didn’t know you, what would you say?

I played Zasalamel until 2020. My best achievement was getting 3rd place at EVO Japan 2019. I occasionally stream too so feel free to watch on my channel.
ザサラメール使いとして2020年まではプレイしてました。最も自慢できる戦績はEVO japan2019 3位です。配信も積極的にしているので良かったら観てください。

What is the origin or meaning of your nickname?

I originally went under the name shakuen. However, one day, I got too lazy to write the whole name on an entry sheet. I shortened it to SHK and stuck to that name onwards. Shakuen means 100 yen.

How did it happen that you ended up playing fighting games?

Since a long time ago, I have always liked watching people play in the arcade. I got into Soulcalibur when a friend of mine I play Virtual On with invited me to play SC3 with him.

Who do you main in SC6 and why?

I used Zasalamel until 2020. I used him in SC3AE. When I first used him in SC6, I thought he was very fun and aggressive compared to when I last played him in SC4. Now, I have dropped him and have been practicing Setsuka. The reason is because ever since Season 2, I don’t think Zasalamel is fun anymore. (I am happy his reverse ringout got nerfed though!)
I have been practicing Setsuka with a hitbox, and watching myself get better at it everyday is really fun.
2020年まではザサラメールです。SC3AEで使っていたので、sc6体験会で触ったら(4のザサラメールと比較して)、アグレッシブで楽しかったからです。 今は雪華をザサラメールに代わるよう練習しています。理由はシーズン2以降ザサラメールの楽しかったところが削られたからです。(後ろリングアウトは弱くなって良かったと思ってます。) 雪華はヒットボックスの練習も兼ねていて毎日上手くなっていくのがわかるので楽しいです。

What is your opinion regarding SC6?

The game has its pros and cons. However, as someone who gets tired of things easily, I really appreciate the patches and adjustments that were released within short periods of time. It kept me playing the game for two years. I would also like changes to the online system such as lag and ranked match so that online modes would be easier to recommend to casual players.
賛否両論あると思いますが、短期間で調整を何度も入れたことは、何事にも飽きやすい私にとって、2年以上楽しくプレイする理由となりました。 オンラインのラグやランクマッチをもっとカジュアルなプレイヤーに勧めやすいものを作って欲しかったと思います。

If you could change one single thing about SC6 what would that be?

Online features (Mainly lag and ranked match)

What do you consider to be your greatest SC6 achievement and why?

For better or for worse, I was glad to represent Zasalamel in many events and show off the character’s presence. In the next game of the series, I hope they don’t kill him off (making him a non-playable character). I would really like to use him at launch when SC7 comes out.
良くも悪くも、ザサラメールを色々な大会で活躍させたことでザサラメールというキャラクターの存在感を示し、次シリーズ以降での彼の自殺(プレイアブル参戦しない事)を少し止めれたのではないでしょうか。 SC7でもローンチで使える事を祈ってます。

Please answer a single question that you were not asked but you would like to answer!

Are you expecting a Season 3?
Season 3 would be amazing! But I am fine with even just a balance patch (and rollback netcode if it is possible!). I think the most important thing is to believe the series will continue and to keep playing the game.
シーズン3があれば最高だけど、バランス調整だけでもいいので後一回くらいパッチが欲しい(可能ならロールバック式のネットコード導入とか) 一番大事なのはシリーズが続く事を信じてプレイを続けることだと思っています。

Thank you for the interview!