It’s easy to head To The Moon if you see which way the wind’s blowing. Oh, you think you can keep up? I have no time for silly games… I’ll silence your incessant mouth forever!
Valhanya: Hello Tou Ze Moune ! I hope everyone is doing well. Can you introduce yourself briefly and explain to us why you decided to participate in this third season ?
Néon: Yo, I’m Neon. I got asked to be a Captain this time around which seemed like fun so I figured why not!
Jacky: I’m Jacky, I’m a Taiwanese player currently living in the UK and I play Xianghua. I’m also the founder of the #BuffX movement. Neon asked me to play for his team so I agreed.
DarthSeppius: Itsssaaaaaaaaaaaa me Seppius! Mamma mia! I have joined the ETL S3 just to have some calibur games scheduled to keep me in a good shape. Also I have supported the initiative since S1 and, if I can, I will support it until it ends 🙂
Sekirei: You might know me as the local angry nerd (fake) redhead who takes everything too seriously, and plays Talim on top of that. I suppose ETL S3 is another milestone in my neverending quest against the fearsome tourney nerves. It also pushes me to train some match-ups I barely practice, if at all.
Valhanya: As every team this season, Tou Ze Moune has a pretty unique style. How do Neon and Jacky come up with this idea and how do DarthSeppius and Seki fit in ?
Néon: Honestly I took the Gamestop stonk meme and ran with it. For the stream we were offered an overlay but I much prefer our rather “scuffed” look.
Jacky: Neon came up with the team name and colours, Sekirei came up with the business attire theme for the costumes. I just tried my best to make team costumes for the characters I play. I also work really hard on designing the overlays every stream, I probably should be getting paid but Neon said that he’s only paying me after everything is over.
DarthSeppius: I am color blind so they tell me the color palette and I apply it to the customization, end of the story. Ehi! IT and tech people are designed with poor artistic skills. It’s not my fault! Also business Cervy, the pirate of Wall Street seems very fitting.
Sekirei: I had to pitch in since some of our teammates are kinda… lacking in customization skills. I’m usually not one to go for that kind of anachronistic look, but it was nice to try something different for once.
Valhanya: We are almost at the end of the round robin and Tou Ze Moune is currently 6th at the leaderboard, tied with Eternal Souls and Return to Monke. Playoffs are not guaranteed for you. What are your feelings about your course so far and about the playoffs?
Néon: Just watch, we’ll rocket soon enough. I reckon we can be in with a shot, as I do think we have one of the stronger teams in ETL.
Jacky: I feel like we have been doing decently. There might have been a few times where we should’ve employed better matchmaking strategies but overall I feel like every player has been putting their all into every set. I’ll continue to do my best to secure our spot in the playoffs!
DarthSeppius: It’s all part of the big master plan: downplay and then explode as surprise so when you think “oh yeeeeh they are free” it’s time to try hard! Also I am having a lot of fun with my teammates and some very nice meme-fights too. I am a happy squid.Â
Sekirei: We might not be at our highest point, but I think the toughest matches are behind us now. I like our odds against the remaining opponents. We’ll see you in the playoffs.
Valhanya: What does everyone expect to achieve during this third season ? (As a player and / or as a team)
NĂ©on: I just wanted to have fun with some mates and that’s exactly what we are doing!
DarthSeppius: As a team we are going to bring the stonks high for sure! I want to have some fun and play with people that I usually don’t play a lot with. It’s competition but a fun competition in my eyes.
Sekirei: My first hope was to end up in a nice and supportive team (I swear this isn’t a jab at anyone), so that one is already in the bag. After that, I was really going for the tactical plays, trained for the match-ups and gave it my best. Though events from a few weeks ago kinda put a damper on my competitive expectations for the event, so now I’m trying to take some distance, take the whole thing less seriously and have some fun.
Valhanya: How do you pick and prepare your matches every week ?
Néon: I ask everyone’s opinion on who wants to fight who, draft a plan, discuss it, review it, redraft it, then throw it all in the bin and make it up on the spot.
Jacky: I kneel down and beg Neon to make sure he doesn’t match me with the opponent I have the least confidence against. I prepare by playing every other game I have besides SC6 and praying to the Calibur gods for X buffs.
DarthSeppius: (See below images)
Sekirei: I say “it doesn’t matter against whom I end up because my nerves will get the better of me regardless” and then Neon just eyeballs it.
Valhanya: What are your favorite highlights so far ?
NĂ©on: Watching everyone have fun and enjoy themselves has been my highlight so far.
Jacky: Me making a comeback against Kira… then losing the last game after dropping two whole CE punishes. (T^T) The matches played by my teammates are all super hype too, it’s fun witnessing Talim/Cervy robbery when you’re not on the receiving end.
DarthSeppius: Zanaken all-3B+K win, Guilu set, and the whole match vs HeadCheese (He is an uber Cervy and we had our TP fight, I am so happy about it).
Sekirei: Jacky’s match vs Branstar was a really cool moment. Personally, I had the most fun playing against Darxy.Â
Valhanya: Can you share your thoughts about this third season ? (Environnement, organisation, did the event meet your expectations…)
Néon: I much prefer it this season with the exemption of a previous uh… undesirable rule. Phantasm has done a great job and its all been good fun so far.
Jacky: It’s my first time participating in ETL and it’s been a great experience overall. I like that the captains get to decide on the schedule, the times are very flexible.
DarthSeppius: It’s much better thanks to the no-ace rule and in general. I think it’s the best version of it.
Sekirei: The ruleset is a lot better, that’s for sure. The event itself is… Pretty much what you’d expect when you put so many different people in the same online event, I suppose.
Valhanya: I will be very original with this question: what were the teams Tou Ze Moune were afraid of ? (I know it’s Dark Love, look at us we are very scary with our purple hearts, don’t mention it fufufu)
NĂ©on: Nothing scares me anymore after looking at my trading212 account.Â
Jacky: Our team is probably the scariest. I’m glad I don’t have to fight a team with 2 Talims, 1 Cerv and 1 X. The players in Bee Gasses, Maji Carp Fish and Return to Monke have some really disturbing costumes for their characters and they intimidated me a little.Â
DarthSeppius: The only thing that I fear is my work schedule that can kill my mental energy, gimme stonks that I can sell so I might remove the work part!
Sekirei: We fear nothing but market collapse.
Valhanya: Any last thoughts you’d like to share to your readers and your fans ?
NĂ©on: Only stonks.
Jacky: No thoughts. Only stonks.
DarthSeppius: No thoughts. Only stonks.
Sekirei: No thoughts. Only stonks.
Thanks everyone for your time and good luck for the last matches ! And also…