The party in honor of Team Dark Love was in full swing in the Kingdom. Suddenly, a strange man with a mustache and an extravagant tile outfit broke into the banquet hall and shouted “DORK LOVE KINGDOM, HERE IT…” but he didn’t have time to finish talking that the three Dark Mates put him down, tied him, and threw him before my throne. After a closer look, I realized it was Zanaken, Captain of the Team ALL STARS. I sat down on my throne and started to discuss with him.

Valhanya: Hello Zanaken, I hope you are doing well ! Can you introduce yourself briefly ?
Zanaken: Angels sing an immaculate chorus, as down from the heavens descends Zanaken. My name is Zanaken. My actions Justice. My word Law. Some say I have always been, others say that my visitation to this plane was a response to the first thoughts of man. Wiser men still predict that I am some guy from England who plays Soul Calibur.
Valhanya: You joined the ETL during the season 2, with a pretty unique and personal team theme, ALL STARS. Can you explain us how you came up with this theme ?
Zanaken: In many sporting events the Allstar team is usually made of the best players from the best teams to see just how good of a team can be made. My knowledge of most of the skill levels of players in EU meant I had a strong lead when it came to drafting, and I didn’t let silly things like “friendship” and “loyalty” affect who I picked. The theme was the same as my intentions – to win. We won.
Valhanya: ALL STARS had a rough start and also, you had to pick a new Ace in the middle of the competition after Myloes’s departure. You managed though to rise to the second place. What kind of experience did you have during these intense ten weeks of battles ?
Zanaken: Second place? I didn’t realise it was decided yet. I don’t believe in second place anyway. I believe in winning and losing. Myloes decided he didn’t have more to give this season and that he was already washed up. So, like any good pim- I mean Captain, I threw a crumpled 20 onto his used up frame and moved on to Dexus. We’ve been taking it very easy thus far, knowing only the playoffs mattered at the start. We’re going to be taking the training wheels off for the finals.
Valhanya: You are Captain since season 2. From your point of view, what kind of qualities a captain must have ?
Zanaken : Good looks are critical in my opinion, but all the other Captains seem to disagree. A captain must be strong, to levels that can only be described as tyrannical. A captain must be wise, and constantly interrupt teammates to show how wise he is. A captain must be brave, and send his strongest minions into the enemy nest.
Valhanya: When you decided to participate to this season, what did you expect to achieve ?
Zanaken: Victory. Absolute and undeniable. To have my enemies driven before me and hear the lamentations of their women.
Valhanya: The playoffs have started this week and you are already qualified for the semi finals. What do you think about the qualified teams and is there one that scares you ?
Zanaken: Pixels are rarely scary, Valhanya, but I will attempt to demonstrate the exception to this rule to whomever deems it wise to stand in our way.
Valhanya: Can you share with us your opinion about this season 3 ? Do you think you’ll participate to another season if there is one ?
Zanaken: I don’t think I will do another season after this one, but I had a similar sentiment last season too so anything is possible. This season feels much like the second, but the increase in sacrifices players is a nice way to mix things up during the playoffs.
Valhanya: Any last thoughts you would like to share to your fans and readers ?
Zanaken: Life, unlike death, is not certain. Victory, unlike disgrace, is guaranteed. ALLSTARS shine bright like beacons of hope, but salvation is not what they bring. Peace is not what they deliver. Life itself becomes a maybe. Absolution is nigh, delivered through the medium of a niche fighting game.
Valhanya: Thank you for the interview ! I wish ALL STARS the best of luck and hope that you will manage to raise the trophy a second time… Nanchatte, everyone knows that Dark Love is going to take the money fufufu.
Zanaken: Money? You do it for money? We simply follow our nature. Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha’- We hurt people.
Where to follow Zanaken
- Twitter: @Zanak3n
- Twitch: