wahontoys is one of the really visible players of the south-east Asia Calibur. When facing him, you better be ready for the Mina MU… Not to mention that thanks to him, I can recognize the flag of Indonesia now!

Twitter: @wahontoys_SC
Twitch: nope
Youtube: Andrew Widjaja (inactive as for now)
Birth Year: 1985
Country: Indonesia
If you had to introduce yourself in three sentences to some SoulCalibur player who didn’t know you, what would you say?
Hello! I am Andrew, a.k.a wahontoys, a dedicated SC Player from Indonesia. I am one of the best cough players in my region! I don’t play any other FG than SC Series.
What is the origin or meaning of your nickname?
It’s a name that sounds weird and meaningless. I used to have a toy (hobby & collectible) shop in 2005. And when PSN requires registration of email address, I used my shop email address for the registration.
Never have thought the ID would carry on this far otherwise I would choose a cooler name something like noobslayer7 lol. Later on, people online already known me with that name and I’d rather avoid the hassle of changing it.
How did it happen that you ended up playing fighting games?
I have been an avid masher of any FG since SF2. But only started playing competitively since 2004, with SC2. It started when I play mash SC2 with David (tag: salty wolf) when testing his newly bought arcade stick. I accidentally landed KILIK’s MO K aGI attack for the win and I was like whoa that’s the coolest move ever. And have been trying to get better to win competitions since then. Since SCV I almost don’t play any other game than SC.
Who do you main in SC6 and why?
It’s always Seong Mi-Na because at launch, my old main Cassandra is not available. I run laps on the character select screen to decide who to main and finally landed on Mi-na because I’m comfortable playing her.
I’m a dad now and don’t have as much time to train and play as I used to be. Being a zoner helps me to
still compete with minimal theory and specific MU knowledge, at least that is what I think.
She’s been theoretically nerfed again and again but I think it just made her better. And she’s also my old
sub from SC1 before Cassandra existed.
What is your opinion regarding SC6?
It’s the best SC ever in terms of longevity, competition, netplay, and the support given by the developer
to it. SC 3-4 all short-lived where I am. And SCV while I like it with the netplay and competition, it also
died out fast due to the developers stopped supporting it very shortly after release. SC6 is really a blessing
for me, and I believe for other SC players as well.
LH Mechanics, SC, RE, BA , GI , RI, attributes are kind of overwhelming, but it is fun once you get used
into it.
The damage is a tad too high (pointing at Nightmare), and the combos are getting too long and Tekken-like, unlike the old times. Does anyone remember 3B 236B being optimal combo?
If you could change one single thing about SC6 what would that be?
I wish Mi-na’s 6A hits mid.
Kidding, the game is perfect, more than we ever wished for. But If I have to say, one thing I want is
reduced damage / shorter combos which leads to less comeback factor and less luck involved to decide
What do you consider to be your greatest SC6 achievement and why?
I tried hard to win competitions during the SC2 era and failed to do so. I blame myself for that. I keep
trying with SC3, but that game died without any single tournament in my Country. SC4 died after only 1
tournament and I was sick that day. I a few SCV tournaments and some decent placing, I still wished for
more wins but don’t have the events to compete in since the game is short-lived.
Back to the topic, SC6 is blessed with TONS of competition, offline, offshore, and online since release, I
finally realized my dream of winning competitions in SC since 2004.
So many things that I cherish and made my effort and journey feel complete in SC6! Can’t say just one,
I’ll blabber three.
- No doubt the SC Without Borders invitational. Because of it being invitational, somewhat feels like I must represent my community, and my country. The event was also international level. Really happy I managed to win it 1st place.
- Couple of local 1st places offline before covid strikes, some of them are quite big events for my
level. - I won 3 out of 4 SEA ESL Weekly PS4 Tournaments and the Monthly Final (last of the series).
Also won Seaversal Edge Dojo tournament that month. Winning 5 tournaments in a month is
too good to be true and I am so grateful :D. And two of them happened in one day XD.
All these happened when I feel that SC6 might be my last SC since I am older and have less and less time
to play, so it’s truly a joy achieving these.

Please answer a single question that you were not asked but you would like to answer!
I just want to give special thanks to these people that impacted my journey through the game:
- David aka salty wolf that started playing the game as noobs and grow together through the series.
- The late Mick, who humbly taught me basics of SC in SC2 and techs to ma as a nobody, an online
stranger at that time while he is a world champion. - Lau from HK for driving me in HK to play and letting me know how the world of competitive play
works and I’m still a longgggggg way from the best! - Raymus Chang A.k.a Shen Yuan, my mentor since SCV. I ended naming my son Raymus because
he is so cool. - My community ISCC, because they will get offended if I don’t mention them here! kidding
- My Family for supporting me, especially my mother during my earlier days, and my wife and son
during SC6 for letting me compete and play in this beautiful game.
SC is just part of my life and I love it a lot. So given the chance to speak everything out I’m just excited
and love to share much about my story.
Thank you for the interview!