Boom and FatherRamon are seasoned veterans with incredible knowledge of the game, both can be entertaining as hell and both can articulate their thoughts pretty darn well… Put this all together and you may see why their “Book of Nooch” aspire to be the ULTIMATE guide!

Three weeks ago, Boom and Ramon released Part 1 of their The Book of Nooch, covering basic concepts and fundamentals of the game. Now they are back with the Part 2, going into more details.
At first glance, these guides can seem overwhelming – after all, we are talking about a total of ~75 minutes of information-glutted videos! But this is but an illusion. Fact is, these videos are separated into multiple chapters that work independently from each other. You can watch those one at a time and still get all the information you need, but in small, several minutes long doses.
Basically, these two videos are 15 separated guides but presented in such a manner they build upon each other, follow in a logical flow… and before you realize, you may know more than you ever expected there is to know in SC! This is all presented in a digestible, understandable way that is actually fun to follow.
And overall..? This may be the best “complex” guide(s) available for SC6. Yes, you may (and will) find other creators going into more details about specific topics, but for overall coverage of the game, The Book of Nooch is pure gold.
Last but not least thing to consider: These guide(s) may be marked as “Beginner Guide” but given the fact both authors are seasoned veterans with incredible knowledge, take this with quite a big pinch of salt. Yes – if you are a beginner, this is absolutely incredible resource of game knowledge. But even if you are an advanced player, you will still find a lot of in-depth information hidden inside these videos.
In my book, this is simply an incredible source of information for any SC player you definitely should watch!