If you have watched the Season 7 of the European Online Series, you surely noticed this strong french woman named Rosa who TAS Baguette all her opponents without mercy. She is currently the West Side top player of the Dojo Online Event. She agreed to talk about herself, giving us a chance to know a bit more about her.

Twitter: @RosaSC34
Twitch: AkiruxRosa
Youtube: Rosa&Akiru
Birth Year: –Â
Country: FranceÂ
Valhanya: Hello my Baguette queen ! I hope you are doing ok. If you had to introduce yourself in three sentences to some SoulCalibur player who didn’t know you, what would you say?
Rosa: Hello sister Dark Queen. I’m doing good, thanks for having me. I’m Rosa, a French Soul Calibur 6 player, I’ve played from SC II and have made my debut at tournament since 2010/2011, at SC IV. I enjoy improving myself while playing and it has become an everlasting journey.
Valhanya: What is the origin or meaning of your nickname?
Rosa: There was a prior nickname I gave without thinking at a tournament counter because I didn’t expect to give a nickname and I remembered a Japanese name I found beautiful : Mayura.
But I don’t feel it’s suited me (rather I feel ashamed) so I went for a nickname closer to myself by taking a shortcut of my first name thus resulting in Rosa.Â
Valhanya: How did it happen that you ended up playing fighting games?
Rosa: My older brothers used to play various video games and they had been interested in Soul Calibur on Dreamcast. I had tried and continued to play the sequels : SC II, SC III, SC IV, SC V and SC VI. Because I won arcade mode, I felt good, strong, proud of myself being the winner. It was a particular feeling that I have strived to find again.
Valhanya: Who do you main in SC6 and why is it Sophitia?
Rosa: I main Sophitia and this character is my goddess of victory, she is my own Nike. While reading a SC magazine (for Dreamcast), I had found her biography and I couldn’t look away. My inner guts told me to choose her, I always wanted to be as brave, determined and conscientious as her. We could say she’s become my model.
Sophitia is also strong in each game so I know I have to work hard if I lose. It is an opportunity to grind my mind.
Valhanya: What is your opinion regarding SC6?
Rosa: I appreciate the way characters have been handled, their gameplay is quite interesting in general, showing good ideas. However, SC 6 rules can be perceived as unfair. Defensive options such as GI/RE/step with big rewards make it hard to keep momentum so it’s quite a feat to maintain offense.
I deplore the lack of emphasis on character specialization. Offensive characters having strong defensive games (post GI or RE) is quite obnoxious to me. There isn’t enough counterplay to too much stuff. I feel like every character has a solution to everything (just my perception and I can be wrong).
That being said, winning in those conditions makes me proud for enduring so far.Â
Valhanya: If you could change one single thing about SC6 what would that be?
Rosa: Changing one single thing is not possible in my opinion. Sc6 is too hard to re-balance properly without touching the core game.Â
Valhanya: You actively participate to the West Dojo Online Event and are the top player of the West Side, winning over top EU players like Ssylus or Habaduba. How do you prepare yourself for a tournament and what do you think about your performances so far ?
Rosa: SC 6 is the first game I started to lab deeply. My style has changed a lot with new knowledge, so first, I train online with community players to gather MU materials. And, I will only focus on my mental preparation. I lost games when I lost myself. From then, I try to understand where I’m good at, what to capitalize on and to improve, thus loss is acceptable, it helps me understand myself better.
My performance feels nice, and I’ll remember this feeling while staying self-aware. I need to keep in check my flaws so I won’t be trapped by it.
I’m grateful to all participants in tournament. Without participants, I cannot challenge them and myself.
Valhanya: What do you consider to be your greatest SC6 achievement and why?
Rosa: My greatest achievement to me is when I became more self-aware after losing in a tournament. Everything changed for me, now I genuinely enjoy competing.
Also, I got kind feedback for my game from players. You also support me a lot, Dark Queen (with your Baguette Queen propaganda).
There is a minor achievement I’d like to highlight and it is helping players to improve themselves. I learn a lot from them when I try to explain how the game works. I’m also thankful to them. They’ll recognize themselves!Â
Valhanya: Please answer a single question that you were not asked but you would like to answer!
Rosa: I would not have made this far without Akiru, my precious boyfriend, who has encouraged me to play SC6 when I wanted to stop. He’s amazing, honest and knows me so well. He’s one of the hardest opponents I have ever faced when we do sparring matches.
(do visit our channels to see video contents)
Keep someone who’ll unconditionally cheer you at your side if you find one!
Valhanya: It’s almost SC6 third anniversary. Anything you want to say about the game or tell the SC community ?
Rosa: Please, let’s play again in online and perhaps offline tournament. My soul still burns for SC6!
Valhanya: Thank you for the interview and for your time, my Baguette Queen ! We hope you’ll continue to TAS Baguette your enemies.
Rosa: Anytime, fellow Queen. Thanks for going through interviewing me.
I’ll definitely play SC6 for a long time.