LatAm SoulCalibur scene is somehow separated, yet very dedicated one. In the past, we had some notable Brazilian, Mexican, and Argentinian players. Now we are finally looking into other countries – starting with Puerto Rico veteran, Dezzttthh.

Twitter: @Dezzzzzzzzzzth
Twitch: Dezzttthh
Youtube: Dezzttthh
Birth Year: 1980
Country: now USA, born and raised in Puerto Rico
If you had to introduce yourself in three sentences to some SoulCalibur player who didn’t know you, what would you say?
Ex Competitive Soul Calibur 2 player.
Went on Hiatus after Soul Calibur 3.
Current Casual Soul Calibur 6 player.
What is the origin or meaning of your nickname?
Well, I really enjoy rock and Metal music and one of my favorite bands back in the 90’s was Coal Chamber, so in 2003 when sc2 came out and I discovered the Puertorrican SC Community I knew I needed a nickname and I really like the way the name of the singer of Coal Chamber sounded (Dez), so I made my own version of it and added another “Z” to it and that’s how I became Dezz. Fast forward to 2009 when I first got my PS3 there were a billion Dezz’s on PSN so I added “ttthh” to it like sort of an homage to the Berserk animated series and it’s English subtitles that added “ttthh” to a character’s name every time someone yelled a name out loud.
How did it happen that you ended up playing fighting games?
Hmm… when I was about 8 years old that was the first time I saw the street fighter 2 arcade and I went to the arcade place every weekend just to play it. That arcade was the talk of the school and everyone wanted to play it. After that Mortal Kombat 1 came out and I got hooked on it, it wasn’t until MK2 came out that I found out that I had what it takes to be a great fighting game player. That year that MK2 came out at my local arcade’s no one could beat me at the game. I remember me being there and long lines of other players trying to beat me and no one ever did. After that I remember playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters, the street fighter alpha series, primal rage, killer instinct, Tekken 1, 2, 3 and then my favorite fighting game of all time, Soul Calibur 2 and that was the first time ever in my life where I participated in tournaments.
Who do you main in SC6 and why?
Ok, I’m the kind of player that always choose a character based on how much I identify with him/her. In my case I always loved the history of the samurai in Japan, games like Ninja gaiden fascinated me so it was very natural for me to choose Taki as my main since sc2 but after playing her on sc6 season 1 I was somewhat displeased with her and I said to myself ” you know what?, I’ve never chosen a top tier character in my life but I’m very disappointed with Taki (in season 1)” so I just went ahead and picked Azwel because in season one everyone was complaining about how buff he was and I stuck with him.
What is your opinion regarding SC6?
It’s a great addition to the franchise. I consider it to be the best calibur game of them all with SC2 being the other best one. I just wish we had a bigger community and a SC world tour competition would be amazing.
If you could change one single thing about SC6 what would that be?
I guess I would just try to incorporate some of the training features that Tekken7 has like “My Replay and Tips”, “Punishment Training” and the very needed Frame Data Display.
What’s up with that Okubo!?
What do you consider to be your greatest SC6 achievement and why?
Well, unfortunately I haven’t entered too many tournaments for sc6, just 2 to be honest but my Best place was 6th at an online tournament back in 2020.
Please answer a single question that you were not asked but you would like to answer!
Q: Who from the sc6 community would you like to play with?
A: I’m fan of Amy Lionheart and I’d like to play her sometime.
Thank you for the interview!