Today, it is exactly a year since SCPortal released the 1st-ever interview of what is now known as the “Introduction Series”. It was with Habaduba – a European player who may not be much known a year ago but is a star nowadays!

Twitter: @Habaduba
Birth Year: 2000
Country: Poland
Original interview:
It is a year since you were on Introduction Series as the very first person ever. Do you still remember your interview?
Somehow I do quite vividly, I enjoy both taking part in those and reading about other people in the community so I guess they stuck in my mind pretty well.
SCPortal was still quite an unknown site at the time. What was your first thought when asked to open the “new interview series”?
In the first place I expected the interviews would slow down and cease quite fast considering it was already quite late in the game’s lifespan when the portal started. I’m glad the community is holding really well.
Looking at the year-old interview, are there any questions you will answer differently today?
Looking back at the year since the last interview, what were the highlight and the lowlights of the time passed?
The most notable highlight would have to be Celtic Throwdown, it was my first offline and seeing all the people I would interact with online was a fantastic experience.
As for lowlights? There have been and are a lot of them in my performance the whole year, I’m not very consistent and change up my playstyle so I often end up having a couple weeks or even months of abysmal tournament results.
If you will have to decide upon a new main (other than Haohamru) now, who will you pick?
Well, that’s inevitable if we ever end up moving over to SC7.
I find Voldo to be really cool, but I don’t want to commit to such a complicated character this late. Based on playstyle I would probably have the most seamless transition to Kilik, he has crazy movement, evasive options and is rather defensive same as haoh but I find his design to be the most bland in the game.
Considering those two are out I’d likely go to Maxi or Geralt.
I feel like maxi is better then he has ever been, even better then with old HG, despite poor movement which puts me off, he still interests me since I value just how strong his pokes are, also I find it hilarious that if you ever end up getting 7 stars you can two shot people midscreen or do some nonsense like 180+ dmg wallsplat CE combos that build meter instead of costing any off of an i20 mid.
As for Geralt, I thought he is weak for the longest time, but after playing him a bit lately I can’t say that anymore, the fact he can step someone and launch them for 80+ damage or throw safe 60+ damage mids while having really great range pokes and tight okizeme makes him rather attractive, the only issue is that maining two guest characters won’t help when bamco releases a new Soulcalibur lol.
Besides playing SoulCalibur, what do you do for fun or to entertain yourself?
I read way too much manga and webtoons, I also play other games.
Last question… Your favorite movie (anime, comics…) villain and why?
This is going to be a bit far fetched, but I’ll say Lelouch from Code Geass, while he is the protagonist of the show he quite clearly takes the role of a villain in the world of Code Geass.
While pure evil characters like Sauron or Soul Edge can be done right and work for a story, I find ones that are reasonable, not threatening by definition, with their own ruthless way of reaching an understandable goal way more compelling. Lelouch happens to be that and written quite well.
Thank you for the interview!