Raphael Lore and Art November 27th is the "Prelude to Madness", Raphael Sorel's birthday! Let's celebrate the cold-hearted aristocrat of the Kingdom of France and the master of the rapier!Prelude to Madness pic.twitter.com/P2Fp5AKDdR— SOULCALIBUR (@soulcalibur) November 27, 2020 The background of Raphael's illustration shows the Sword and Lion, the emblem of Sorel family, and you may have noticed that a single rose is nestled in the center of the sword. You already know what this pretty flower symbolizes, don't you?#SOULCALIBUR pic.twitter.com/csGKt6d7X5— SOULCALIBUR (@soulcalibur) November 27, 2020 (2/2) In the rough draft, We used the costume from SC2 as a base, and while incorporating elements from previous titles, we tried to create a design that was both swordsman and noble. We also considered various shapes of glasses to express his refracted personality.#SOULCALIBUR https://t.co/QjAilaxiFR pic.twitter.com/t0619dA6Uv— SOULCALIBUR (@soulcalibur) November 27, 2020 ラファエルの「ヌーヴェル・ソレイユ」の元ネタ。ライターとして関わったので、思い入れがあるんですよね…(笑)This is base idea for Raphael's Nouveau Soleil.I was involved in this book as one of the writers, so I have a lot of feelings about it. lol#ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR pic.twitter.com/4Zc6Hi6x5b— マステル高橋 (@masuooyama) November 27, 2020 意外にも彼はSC2の主人公なのですよね。実際、才能と狂気いずれも抜きん出た人物です。邪剣の器となり得るほどに。Surprisingly, he's the protagonist of SC2. He is so outstanding in both talent and madness that worthy of being a vessel for the Evil Sword.#ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR https://t.co/9d1H3m18X1 pic.twitter.com/H7aDea7x8K— マステル高橋 (@masuooyama) November 27, 2020 ラファエルの髪型描き比べメモイラストとゲームグラフィックでデザインが違う場合は好みの方を描いたり混ぜたりしています pic.twitter.com/X4sDlTR7oq— 森斗咲葉 (@leaf_morito) May 10, 2020 この顔の角度だと仮面の模様が見えないので加筆しました。ついでに細部をちょっと整えています。 pic.twitter.com/0wvxfjRnVC— 森斗咲葉 (@leaf_morito) May 30, 2020