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Zubaz Introduces: WUFL S1 SoulCalibur 6

Zubaz Introduces: WUFL S1 SoulCalibur 6

WePlay Ultimate Fighting League Season 1 is first offline mayor in about a year; and SoulCalibur is part of it. Given the production quality of WePlay events is insane, it’s an unique oportunity to enjoy great matches and see top players competing seriously once again. Zubaz, being an official analyst for the event, kindly shared […]

Introduction Series: D3xus

Introduction Series: D3xus

There is a man who’s winrate in Rock-Paper-Scissor is so high he became an undisputed king of European Reversal Edges. Also, he’s good in other parts of SoulCalibur 6 too. And his name… D3xus.

SabinDeus Introduces: DEUS Ex Caelo II

SabinDeus Introduces: DEUS Ex Caelo II

DEUS Ex Caelo is an ambitious project aiming to do something our scene has been missing during the COVID-19 pandemic: Tournament. Online. Big. Parsec. And… open! I mean – if this does not catch your attention, you may even miss S3 announcement being so lethargic. If it does, read further to see what SabinDeus has […]

Introduction Series: 575

Introduction Series: 575

Whenever you watch any South-Asia Soulcalibur tournament, you can be sure you will notice when 575 is on the stream. But who actually is this Nightmare main with super explosive play style?

State of Calibur: Online

State of Calibur: Online

In today’s State of Calibur, questions focused on current situation where our game was moved to online-only environment. The questions were generously answered by Aelz, Boom, Shen Chan, Party Wolf, Skyll & Shen Yuan.

Introduction Series: Chapter XLVII

Introduction Series: Chapter XLVII

If you are into SC events, and especially if you’re from North-West of US, Chapter XLVII is a name that you will inevitably see popping in your Twitter timeline or in conversations. If you wish to learn more about this PNW event organizer and team FAUSTIAN manager, read further!