Input Level Damage Guard Damage
Impact Block Hit Counter
Attack Name Category Notes
A High 14 1
i14 -6 4 4
Vagrant Slash Horizontals G cancelable
AA HighHigh 14,12 3
i14 -6 6 6
Vagrant Slash Horizontals
AAA HighHighMid 14,12,40 5
i14 -12 4 4
Vagrant Slash Horizontals
AAA6 HighHighHigh 14 5
i14 -6 10 10
Vagrant Slash ~ Warrior's Focus Horizontals Stance Shift into WF
AAB HighHighMid 14 13
i14 -4 -6 -6
Cross Cut Horizontals Guard Crash
aB High 20 3
i14 -8 4 4
Hilt Strike Horizontals Stance Shift into Ronin Technique upon hit or guard possible
RT aB High 20 3
i14 10 22 22
Hilt Strike Horizontals Upon hit or guard
6A High 16 1
i16 -10 0 0
Gale Knell Horizontals Stance Shift into Ronin Technique upon hit or guard possible
RT 6A High 16 1
i16 8 18 18
Gale Knell Horizontals On hit, guard or winning a clash only
6AA HighHigh 16,26 3
i16 -10 KND KND
Gale Knell (Cancel) ~ Cyclone Slash: Zero Form Horizontals Ronin Technique (also triggers with 6. 2. 3. A ). NCC
6AB HighMidMid 16,8,8 4
i16 -8 -2 2
Gale Knell (Cancel) ~ Cyclone Strike Horizontals Ronin Technique (also triggers with 6. 2. 3. B ). NCC. Lethal Hit (hit after stacking 5 Power Slashes)
6AK HighMid 16,20 8
i16 -8 6 6
Gale Knell (Cancel) ~ Overhead Bottle Strike Horizontals Ronin Technique (also triggers with 2. 1. 4. K )
3A Mid 20 1
i18 -12 4 4
Close-Quarters Cut Horizontals :FC:
2A Special Low 12 1
i12 -6 6 6
Flash Strike Horizontals :FC:
1A Low 18 4
i28 -14 -2 -2
Storm Splitter Horizontals :FC:
4A Mid 20 1
i20 -6 6 6
Bottle Bash Horizontals
FC A Special Low 12 1
i12 -6 6 6
Flash Strike Horizontals :FC:
WR A HighMid 30 3
i14 -8 4 4
Bottle Assault Horizontals
7A High 22 4
i26 -2 8 8
Birdwing Blade Horizontals TJ[4-34]
8A High 24 4
i26 -2 8 8
Birdwing Blade Horizontals TJ[4-34]
9A High 26 4
i26 -2 8 8
Birdwing Blade Horizontals TJ[4-34]
BT A High 14 1
i16 -4 6 6
Reverse Vagrant Slash Horizontals
BT 2A Special Low 14 1
i14 -4 6 6
Reverse Flash Strike Horizontals :FC:
B Mid 14 3
i16 -6 2 2
Shattering Crash Verticals G cancelable
BB MidMid 14,18 2
i16 -6 4 10
Shattering Crash Verticals NC
BBB MidMidMid 14,18,38 9
i16 0 KND KND
Shattering Crash Verticals Guard Crash (3rd hit). NCC with 2nd hit
bA Mid 32 4
i34 -6 10 10
Haoh Blow Verticals
bK Low 20 3
i18 -12 0 0
Cobblestone Crush Verticals
b6 High 10 9
i22 6 6 KND
Tomb Robber Verticals
b4 Mid 28 9
i26 -4 KND KND
Gale Force Gust Verticals Guard Crash
6B Mid 24 9
i16 -8 0 8
Mighty Thrust Verticals Guard Crash
6B6 Mid 24 9
i16 0 8 16
Mighty Thrust ~ Warrior's Focus Verticals Guard Crash. Stance Shift into WF
3B Mid 26 9
i20 -14 LNC LNC
Critical Cleave Verticals TC[10-14]. Guard Crash
2B Special Mid 14 2
i14 -6 2 2
Knee Strike Verticals Ronin Technique cancel upon hit, guard or winning clash. :FC:
RT 2B Special Mid 14 2
i14 10 18 18
Knee Strike Verticals Upon hit, guard or winning clash. :FC:
1B Low 26 9
i26 -12 -2 KND
Swaying Viper Verticals :FC:. Guard Crash
4B Mid 20 2
i16 -8 2 STN
Bottle Hook Verticals
FC B Special Mid 14
i14 -6 2 2
Knee Strike Verticals Ronin Technique cancel upon hit, guard or winning clash
RT FC B Special Mid 14 2
i14 10 18 18
Knee Strike Verticals Upon hit, guard or winning clash
WR B Mid 22 9
i16 -14 -2 4
Hilt Gouge Verticals Ronin Technique cancel upon hit, guard or winning clash. Guard Crash
RT WR B Mid 22
i16 6 18 22
Hilt Gouge Verticals Upon hit, guard or winning clash. Guard Crash
WR BA 37 10
i16 -10 KND KND
Hilt Gouge (Cancel) ~ Cyclone Slash: Zero Form Verticals Ronin Technique (also triggers with 6. 2. 3. A ). Guard Crash
WR BB MidMidMid 33 11
i16 -8 -2 -2
Hilt Gouge (Cancel) ~ Cyclone Strike Verticals Ronin Technique (also triggers with 6. 2. 3. B ). Guard Crash
WR BK MidMid 22 15
i16 -10 8 8
Hilt Gouge (Cancel) ~ Solid Tackle Verticals Ronin Technique (also triggers with 6. 2. 3. K ). Guard Crash
7B Mid 30 9
i30 -4 6 6
Bamboo Slicer Verticals TJ[4-30]. Guard Crash
8B Mid 32 9
i30 -4 6 6
Bamboo Slicer Verticals TJ[4-30]. Guard Crash
9B Mid 34 9
i30 -4 6 6
Bamboo Slicer Verticals TJ[4-30]. Guard Crash
BT B Mid 16 2
i18 -6 4 4
Reverse Shattering Crash Verticals
BT 2B Mid 16 2
i16 -8 2 2
Reverse Knee Strike Verticals :FC:
K High 14 1
i12 -8 0 0
Skull Drop Kicks G cancelable
6K Special Low 14 1
i14 -8 -2 2
Front Kick Kicks
3K Mid 16 2
i14 -6 4 4
Solar Plexus Kick Kicks
2K Low 14 2
i16 -14 -4 -4
Knee Jolt Kicks :FC:
1K Low 18 1
i20 -14 -4 4
Straw Sandals Kick Kicks
4K High 22 2
i18 0 8 8
Brash Kick Kicks
FC K Low 14 2
i16 -14 -4 -4
Knee Jolt Kicks :FC:
WR K Mid 18 2
i12 -8 4 4
Earthly Kick Kicks TC[0-2]
7K Mid 16 2
i24 -8 2 2
Thrusting Kick Kicks TJ[4-34]
8K Mid 18 2
i24 -8 2 2
Thrusting Kick Kicks TJ[4-34]
9K Mid 20 2
i24 -8 2 2
Thrusting Kick Kicks TJ[4-34]
BT K High 16 1
i14 -8 2 2
Reverse Skull Drop Kicks
BT 2K Low 16 1
i18 -14 -4 -4
Reverse Knee Jolt Kicks :FC:
A+B Mid 40 15
i36 0 STN STN
Titanium Splitter Multi-Buttons input as 2. 1. 4. B for increased damage. Lethal Hit vs GI. Guard Crash
6A+B Special Mid 22 6
i36 -10 LNC LNC
Cyclone Slash Multi-Buttons input as 2. 3. 6. A for increased damage
6(A+B) Special Mid 22 6
i36 -9 LNC LNC
Cyclone Slash Multi-Buttons input as 2. 3. 6. B for increased damage
2A+B MidMid 28 14
i18 -18 LNC LNC
Crescent Moon Slash Multi-Buttons input as 6. 2. 3. B for increased damage. TC[3-17]. Guard Crash
RG 2A+B MidMidMidMid 47 14
i18 -18 LNC LNC
Crescent Moon Slash Multi-Buttons input as 6. 2. 3. B for increased damage. Lethal Hit as whiff punish. Guard Crash
4A+B Mid 27 15
i28 6 KND KND
Calm Blade Multi-Buttons Parry [8-18] vs H M attacks. Input as 4 2 1 K for increased damage. Break Attack if successful parry. Guard Crash
8A+B MidMid 30 14
i28 -14 KND KND
Earthquake Slice Multi-Buttons input as 4. 2. 1. B for increased damage. TJ[6-27]. Guard Crash
Deflect Multi-Buttons Guard Impact[4-10] vs High&Mid non-kick attacks
B+K Mid 70 15
i28 -14 -4 -4
Iron Splitter Multi-Buttons Power Slash. Lethal Hit post-GI. Guard Crash [2] dmg in rage, [8] in RXP
B+K 54
i -14 -4 -4
Iron Splitter Tip Hit Multi-Buttons Power Slash. Lethal Hit post-GI. Guard Crash [4] dmg in rage, [6] in RXP
2B+K Mid 45 15
i22 -14 -4 -4
Rising Heavy Slash Multi-Buttons Power Slash. Can be done as :FC:. B+K. TC[6-12]. Lethal Hit vs whiffed throw. Guard Crash
BT B+K 24 9
i14 -8 STN STN
Warrior's Ambush Multi-Buttons Guard Crash
A+G High 50
Shadow Throw Throws 6 Throw
4A+G High 50
Wandering Cloud Throws 4 Throw
Autumn Flash Throws 6 4 Throw
Wise Blade Throws 6 4 Throw Recovers health
Omen Slash Throws 6 4 TH. Lethal Hit
(A+G) High 0
i18 18
Balance Breaker (Front) Throws 6 Throw
44(A+G) High 0
i18 14
Balance Breaker (Back) Throws 4 Throw
RXP WF A+G High 70
Judgment Sky Divider Throws Unbreakable Throw
33*66*99A Mid 20 4
i22 -12 6 6
Rushing Vagrant Sweep 8-WR Moves
22*88A High 16 4
i16 -12 0 0
Storming Assault 8-WR Moves
22*88AA HighLow 16 5
i16 -16 4 4
Storming Assault 8-WR Moves NCC
22*88AB HighMid 16 10
i16 -14 LNC LNC
Storming Assault 8-WR Moves Guard Crash. NCC
22*88A6 High 16
i16 -4 8 8
Storming Assault ~ Warrior's Focus 8-WR Moves Stance Shift into WF
11*44*77A Mid 26 4
i36 8 18 18
Rolling Barrel 8-WR Moves Stance Shift into Ronin Technique upon hit or guard possible. TC
RT 11*44*77A Mid 26 4
i36 8 18 18
Rolling Barrel 8-WR Moves Upon hit or guard. TC
11*44*77AA MidHigh 26 5
i36 -10 KND KND
Rolling Barrel (cancel) ~ Cyclone Slash: Zero Form 8-WR Moves 2nd attack can input 6. 2. 3. A for increased damage. TC. NCC
11*44*77AB MidMid 26 12
i36 0 STN LNC
Rolling Barrel (cancel) ~ Titanium Splitter 8-WR Moves 2nd attack can input 2. 1. 4. B for increased damage. Break Attack. Lethal Hit when impact counter
11*44*77AK MidMid 26 10
i36 -8 6 6
Rolling Barrel (cancel) ~ Overhead Bottle Strike 8-WR Moves 2nd attack can input 2. 1. 4. K for increased damage
Rolling Barrel ~ Bare Knuckles 8-WR Moves BKN. TC
33*66*99B Mid 20 6
i18 -10 0 0
Diagonal Slash 8-WR Moves Stance Shift into Ronin Technique upon hit or guard possible. Guard Crash
RT 33*66*99B Mid 20 7
i18 16 26 26
Diagonal Slash 8-WR Moves Upon hit or guard. Guard Crash
33*66*99BA MidHigh 16 7
i18 -10 KND KND
Diagonal Slash (cancel) ~ Cyclone Slash: Zero Form 8-WR Moves 2nd attack input 6. 2. 3. A for increased damage. NC
33*66*99BB MidMidMid 45 17
i18 -18 KND KND
Diagonal Slash (cancel) ~ Crescent Moon Slash 8-WR Moves 2nd attack input 6. 2. 3. B for increased damage
33*66*99BK MidMid 45 12
i18 -10 8 8
Diagonal Slash (cancel) ~ Solid Tackle 8-WR Moves 2nd attack input 6. 2. 3. K for increased damage
22*88B Mid 24 9
i20 -14 LNC LNC
Heavenly Cleave 8-WR Moves Guard Crash
11*44*77B Mid 36 9
i34 2 STN STN
Cloud Slicer 8-WR Moves Lethal Hit versus medium or strong attack whiff. Guard Crash
11*44*77(B) Mid 44 15
i38 8 STN LNC
Cloud Slicer ~ Bare Knuckles 8-WR Moves Break Attack. BKN
33*66*99K High 14 2
i12 -2 6 10
Rushing Forward Fist 8-WR Moves
22*88K Mid 20 9
i16 0 8 STN +10
Headbutt 8-WR Moves Guard Crash
22*88K6 Mid 20 9
i16 4 10 STN +14
Headbutt ~ Warrior's Focus 8-WR Moves Guard Crash. Stance Shift into WF
11*44*77K Mid 28 9
i34 -2 14 14
Haoh Kick 8-WR Moves Lethal Hit vs crouching opponent. Guard Crash
33*66*99B+K Mid 50 15
i22 -4 -6 -6
Downward Heavy Slash 8-WR Moves Power Slash. Lethal Hit vhen used as block punish. Guard Crash
22*88B+K Mid 36 9
i26 -12 STN STN
Violent Ruffian 8-WR Moves Lethal Hit after not using weapon for some time. Guard Crash
11*44*77B+K Mid 55
Blazing Edge 8-WR Moves Restores health and guard stamina. Unblockable Attack. G cancelable
11*44*77(B+K) Special Mid 5 2
i36 -6 6 6
Blazing Edge ~ Burning Mist 8-WR Moves
RUN K Low 26 9
i20 -22 KND KND
Sliding Kick 8-WR Moves TJ[13-19]. TC[19-75]
236A Special Mid 26 6
i36 -10 LNC LNC
Cyclone Slash RoninTechniques Ronin Technique
236(A) Special Mid 26 9
i36 -9 LNC LNC
Cyclone Slash RoninTechniques Ronin Technique. BKN
236B MidMid 16 4
i16 -8 -2 -2
Cyclone Strike RoninTechniques Lethal Hit after stacking 5 Power Slashes
236K 4
Fake Cyclone Slash RoninTechniques Ronin Technique
623A High 26 4
i18 -10 KND LNC
Cyclone Slash: Zero Form RoninTechniques +4 damage on perfect input
623B MidMid 32 14
i18 -18 LNC LNC
Crescent Moon Slash RoninTechniques Guard Crash
RG 623B MidMidMidMid 53 14
i18 -18 LNC LNC
Crescent Moon Slash RoninTechniques TC. Lethal Hit as whiff punish. Guard Crash
623K Mid 32 9
i20 -10 8 STN
Solid Tackle RoninTechniques TC[8-14]
RG 623KK MidMid 60 14
i20 -6 KND KND
Solid Tackle Rush RoninTechniques Guard Crash on 2nd hit
214B Mid 50 15
i36 0 STN STN
Titanium Splitter RoninTechniques Lethal Hit on impact counter. Guard Crash
214K Mid 20 9
i18 -8 6 6
Overhead Bottle Strike RoninTechniques Guard Crash
421B MidMid 36 14
i28 -14 KND KND
Earthquake Slice RoninTechniques TJ[6-27]. Guard Crash
421K Mid 28 15
Calm Blade RoninTechniques Parry [8-18] vs High&Mid attacks. Break Attack if successful parry
Warrior's Focus Warrior'sFocus 14f to enter stance. TC[8-RC]. Stance Shift into WF
WF A HighHigh 34 2
i14 -4 6 KND
Drifting Cloud Warrior'sFocus
WF B Mid 22 9
i18 -12 4 4
Haze Warrior'sFocus
WF BA MidHigh 22 10
i18 -8 4 4
Haze Warrior'sFocus Lethal Hit when stacked 3 Power Slashes. NC
WF B(A) MidHigh 22 10
i18 -4 8 8
Haze Warrior'sFocus Lethal Hit when stacked 3 Power Slashes. NC. BKN
WF K Low 16 4
i18 -22 -8 LNC
Windstorm Splitter Warrior'sFocus
WF KA LowMid 16 5
i18 -16 -2 -2
Windstorm Splitter Warrior'sFocus NC
Bare Knuckles BareKnuckles 22f to enter stance. Stance Shift into BKN
BKN A Mid 14 1
i14 -6 4 4
Sweeping Chop BareKnuckles LNC on airborne opponent
BKN (A) Mid 14 1
i14 -4 6 6
Sweeping Chop BareKnuckles LNC on airborne opponent. BKN
BKN B High 16 2
i10 0 4 12
Forward Fist BareKnuckles
BKN (B) High 16 2
i10 4 8 16
Forward Fist BareKnuckles BKN
BKN K Low 26 9
i18 -16 6 KND
Vagabond Kick BareKnuckles Guard Crash
BKN B+K Mid 40
Blade Catch BareKnuckles :RI:[4-16] vs High&Mid non-kick attacks. BKN if fails to catch
Scarred Step (Front) BareKnuckles Stance Shift
Scarred Step (Back) BareKnuckles Stance Shift
BKN 66
Forward Roll BareKnuckles
BKN 44
Backward Roll BareKnuckles
Upper Dodge BareKnuckles
Lower Dodge BareKnuckles
Stagger Stagger Stance Shift into Ronin Technique possible or Deflect up to 10f before Haohmaru recovers naturally. STG happens only when B+K or similar is blocked. Stance Shift
STG 236A+B
Deflect Stagger Guard Impact[4-10] vs High&Mid non-kick attacks
B+G Mid 40
i46 -8
Falcon Wing Reversal Edge KND vs airborne. Reversal Edge [6-30]
(B+G) Mid 50
i66 8
Falcon Wing Reversal Edge Reversal Edge [6-50]
Reversal EdgeA High 50
i -4 2
Reeling Flash Reversal Edge Power Slash. Lethal Hit. Guard Crash
Lethal HitReversal EdgeA High 66
i 14
Reeling Flash Reversal Edge Power Slash
Soul ChargeReversal EdgeA High 60
i 2
Reeling Flash Reversal Edge Power Slash. Lethal Hit UA
Soul ChargeLethal HitReversal EdgeA High 79
i 14
Reeling Flash Reversal Edge Unblockable Attack. Power Slash
Reversal EdgeB Mid
Demon Banisher Reversal Edge Shifts to follow-up attack upon hit or guard crush. Lethal Hit. Guard Crash
Reversal EdgeK Mid 24
i -2 14
Brutal Strike Reversal Edge Lethal Hit. Guard Crash
A+B+K Mid 79 21
i20 -22 KND KND
Judgment Blast Slash Gauge Attacks input as 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 6. 4. 2. 1. A+B+K for +5 damage. SG. Guard Crash
236A+B+K Mid 26 2
i16 -2 8 8
14-Slash Combo Gauge Attacks SG. Soul Charge
236A+B+KAABBKKABKKKKB+K MidHighHighHighMidMidMidMidMidMidMidMidMidMid 45 13
i16 -14 KND KND
14-Slash Combo Gauge Attacks perfect input adds +6 damage. SG. SC. Guard Crash
4A+B+K Special Mid 0 0
i6 0 8 8
Soul Charge Gauge Attacks invincible since i4. Pushback happens at i6
Soul ChargeAAB HighHighMid 15,13,44 13
i14 -6 -6 -6
Force Fang Gauge Attacks Power slash (3rd hit). Guard Crash
Soul ChargeAABB HighHighMidMid 28,63 17
i14 -8 0 8
Force Fang Gauge Attacks Guard Crash
Soul ChargeAABB6 HighHighMidMid 28,63 17
i14 0 8 16
Force Fang ~ Warrior's Focus Gauge Attacks Guard Crash. Stance Shift into WF
Soul ChargeWR BKBB MidMidMidMid 22,54 21
i16 -4 6 6
Hilt Gouge Gauge Attacks 2nd attack can input as 6. 2. 3. K for increased damage. Guard Crash
Soul Charge6A+B Special MidSpecial Mid 24,14 16
i36 -16 LNC LNC
Hurricane Slash Gauge Attacks
Soul Charge236A Special MidSpecial Mid 28,14 16
i36 -16 LNC LNC
Hurricane Slash Gauge Attacks
Soul Charge6(A+B) Special MidSpecial Mid 24,14 16
i36 -15 LNC LNC
Hurricane Slash Gauge Attacks BKN
Soul Charge236(A) Special MidSpecial Mid 28,14 16
i36 -15 LNC LNC
Hurricane Slash Gauge Attacks BKN
Soul Charge8A+B MidMid 41 14
i28 0 KND KND
Eruption Slice Gauge Attacks on whiff, quake (+10). TJ[6-27]. GC. Break Attack
Soul Charge421B MidMid 50 14
i28 0 KND KND
Eruption Slice Gauge Attacks on whiff, quake (+10). TJ[6-27]. GC. Break Attack
Soul ChargeB+K Mid 77(50) 15
i28 -8 -4 -4
Iron Splitter Gauge Attacks Parry[6-18] vs one High&Mid attack with 20 or less damage. Lethal Hit post-GI. Guard Crash
Soul Charge2B+K Mid 49 15
i22 -8 -4 -4
Falcon Gauge Attacks can be done also as :FC:. B+K. TC[6-12]. Lethal Hit on whiffed throw. Guard Crash
Soul Charge2B+KB MidMid 49,22 24
i22 -12 KND KND
Falcon Gaugeattacks can be done also as :FC:. B+K. B. Guard Crash
Soul Charge9B+K Mid 44 15
i44 -2 22 22
Face Splitter Gauge Attacks TJ[14-40]
Soul Charge33*66*99BKBB MidMidMidMid 64 18
i18 -4 6 6
Diagonal Slash (cancel) ~ Solid Tackle ~ Curving Strike ~ Surging Tide Gauge Attacks 2nd attack input as 6. 2. 3. K for increased damage
Soul Charge33*66*99B+K Mid 55 15
i22 -6 -6 -6
Force Fang Gauge Attacks Lethal Hit when used as block guard
Soul Charge33*66*99B+KB MidMid 55 20
i22 -8 0 8
Force Fang Gauge Attacks
Soul Charge33*66*99B+KB6 MidMid 55 20
i22 0 8 1+6
Force Fang ~ Warrior's Focus Gauge Attacks Stance Shift into WF
Soul Charge623KB MidMid 35 11
i20 -6 4 4
Curving Strike Gauge Attacks TC[8-14]
Soul Charge623KBB MidMidMid 35 14
i20 -4 6 6
Curving Strike ~ Surging Tide Gauge Attacks
Soul Charge623A+B MidMidMidMidMid 53 14
i16 -26 LNC LNC
Renting Tremor Slash Gauge Attacks TC[2-14]
RG RXP 6A+B+K Mid 66 10
i14 -28 KND KND
Flame of the Conqueror Gauge Attacks input as 2. 3. 6. B+K for increased damage. Critical Edge.
RG RXP 236A+B+K Mid 71 10
i14 -28 KND KND
Flame of the Conqueror Gauge Attacks 30% Guard damage upon hit. Ends RG/RXP state. Critical Edge
RG 4(A+B+K) Special Mid 0 =+
i6 0 8 8
Rage Explosion Gauge Attacks Soul Charge and RXP. Break Attack. Soul Charge.
RXP 4A+B+K Special Mid 86 9
i14 -26 KND KND
Lightning Blade Gauge Attacks Ronin Technique. Damage increase based on how much gauge remains. Ends RXP but not SC.
RXP WR BKBBB MidMidMidMid 26 31
i16 2 KND KND
Hilt Gouge Gauge Attacks 2nd attack input as 6. 2. 3. K for increased damage. Break Attack (5th hit). Guard Crash (1st and 5th hit)
RXP 33*66*99BKBB MidMidMidMid 82 29
i18 2 KND KND
Diagonal Slash (cancel) ~ Solid Tackle ~ Curving Strike ~ Surging Tide ~ Sword Of The Conqueror Gauge Attacks 2nd attack input as 6. 2. 3. K for increased damage. Break Attack (5th hit). Guard Crash (1st and 5th hit)
RXP WF A+G High 70
Judgment Sky Divider Gauge Attacks Throw (unbreakable)
RXP 623KBBB MidMidMidMid 84 25
i20 2 KND KND
Curving Strike ~ Surging Tide ~ Sword of the Conqueror Gauge Attacks Break Attack