Switches between Jolly and Gloomy states with RNG-based transition conditions. Jolly has great neutral and Gloomy has damage, but dealing with the RNG and her random headaches can be tricky.
Random number generation (RNG) isn’t a term often heard in fighting game discussion but you’ll hear it a lot when people talk about Tira. She switches between Jolly, a more poke-heavy mid-range fighter, and the more devastating Gloomy who has great combo and damage potential. The difficulty lies in switching between them as transitions are slightly random, based on certain criteria (using attacks, getting hit by some attacks, getting low on health, etc.) This makes playing her a bit tricky as you have to balance switching moods and switching playstyles. After enough switches Gloomy turns into Gloomy Coda, giving essentially a permanent Soul Charge to Gloomy mood. She also forces the opponent to both understand the differences in stances and also have an understanding of her various strings, which vary by mood.
- huge potential damage in Gloomy
- diverse range on pokes in both stances
- strong snowball potential if reaching Gloomy Coda
- random transitions and headaches
- meter build greatly reduced in Gloomy stance
- strings are generally unsafe
Unique mechanic:
Tira switches between her Jolly and Gloomy stances based on certain attacks and criteria. Players are incentivized to try and switch often as after 9 transitions she will switch into Gloomy Coda, allowing access to Soul Charge moves without Soul Charge. She can still switch back into normal Jolly state after reaching Gloomy Coda.
Original text courtesy of: uwucos