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Introduction Series: Bluff

Introduction Series: Bluff

Thanks to WUFL S1, we know Korean players TheKura and AkeoPo. But the community in their country is much bigger then that – and one of other notable players is Bluff. Let’s learn more about him!

Introduction Series: Ako

Introduction Series: Ako

There’s a good chance you never heard the name of Ako. Yet you know him. Trust me – you surely talked with him. Some of you on daily basis. Because every time you ask Olcadan bot for frames..? Ako answers.

ETL Season 3: Week 0

ETL Season 3: Week 0

ETL. If you are familiar with SoulCaliburVI online events, then this acronym must ring a bell. If not… European Team League is a team event created and ran by the man who carries the whole European online scene on his shoulders, MPhantasm.