The time flies like crazy. It is a full year since this whole SCPortal project started! Let’s recapitulate the year that passed.

Let’s start with a quick reminder: This is the article that officially announced the start of the whole project: SOULCALIBURPORTAL introduction. We were running on placeholder graphics back then and while the goals were clearly set since day 1, it took some time for the page to find the identity you know today.
But let’s move to some fancy numbers!
During the year, the page surpassed 46.000 unique visitors (actually it is not for the full year, as the stats are calculated only since December 26th, 2020. Beginner mistake…). Lately, we average ~190 people/day.
In those 12 months, there were over 140 articles published! This includes 44 interviews within the Introduction Series, 9 top players’ meta opinions in the State of series, and 23 articles (usually, interviews) covering Tournaments – out of which whole 12 were covering the incredible WUFL invitational.
The overall most-read article so far is the State of Korea: TheKuraโs Tierlist (v2.3) with almost 1.300 views.
Out of Introduction Series, the top interview is the one introducing the rising star of Latin America – Karolkjx with over 600 views! The second one is again Latin America interview – this time, with Miura; closely followed by two incredible women from the US – Yoki and Nelly. And to close the Introduction Series TOP 5, there is the MercyMain hailing from Italy!
Out of character pages, the most visited one is for some reason Amy, followed by Ivy, Cassandra, Hwang, and Setsuka in this particular order.
There is also a tons fanart gathered on SCPortal. The visits seem to somehow copy the character pages – the most viewed ones are Amy and Cassandra (both sitting on the same number!), followed by Ivy… But then, behold! What is this madness? 4th most visited fanart page belongs to… Groh? And just under him, Nightmare is peaking around the corner.
And what else?
During the year, SCPortal’s Twitter account reached over 500 followers.
Also, I got asked several times how this web is working, well… From the monetary perspective. I can assure you this is a non-commercial project and I play for it to stay like this. I used several special offers I got thanks to my work so the running costs are reasonably low. There is a donation page available if you wish to help to cover the expanses – but honestly, there are other ways how to support this project that will benefit it much much more.
And besides this, I am always looking for co-workers who will help to run the page and fill it with content (like Valhanya and MaiMai – big, BIG shoutouts to them!!!). It does not matter which part of the game you are interested in… Tournament coverage, meta talks, game lore… Anything can be turned into articles that will let you share your thoughts with the wider SC community!
Well, enough shilling. 2021 was a good year and I hope 2022 will be even better. And in the meantime – see you in the game!!!